Mileage calculator

Mileage calculator

A Mileage Calculator is a calculator used to calculate the distance travelled by a vehicle based on various inputs such as starting and ending locations, or odometer readings. It helps individuals, businesses, and organizations estimate travel distances for planning purposes, such as budgeting fuel expenses, determining travel time, or tracking vehicle usage.

How to Calculate Car Mileage?

To calculate the mileage, also known as fuel efficiency or fuel economy, of a car, you need to determine the distance traveled and the amount of fuel consumed. The standard unit of measurement for mileage is miles per gallon (MPG) in the United States, while kilometers per liter (km/L) is commonly used in other countries. Here’s how to calculate car mileage.

Calculate Mileage (MPG or km/L)

Miles per Gallon (MPG): Divide the distance traveled (in miles) by the amount of fuel consumed (in gallons).

$$Mileage\;(MPG)\;=\;\frac{Dis\tan ce\;Traveled\;(miles)}{Fuel\;Consumed\;(gallons)}$$

Kilometers per Liter (km/L): Divide the distance traveled (in kilometers) by the amount of fuel consumed (in liters).

$$Mileage\;(km/L))\;=\;\frac{Dis\tan ce\;Traveled\;(killometers)}{Fuel\;Consumed\;(liters)}$$

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